Creation and Adam

In the book ‘Adam: The first human?’ I present the following non-traditional view of Genesis 1-5.

  • Adam was not the first human

  • Adam was not ‘created’ by God

  • Genesis 2 is not a 2nd Creation account

  • Adam was born in Southern Mesopotamia between 3200BC and 3100BC

  • God sent Adam to Eden to be a prophet/priest

  • There were other people before Adam

‘Adam: The first human?’ is a careful study of Genesis 1-5 that provides an interpretation entirely consistent with the Scriptures and with our knowledge of human origins and human history.

Adam and Eve are taken out of pre-history and placed firmly at the dawn of written history. Adam and Eve are no longer characters in mythical story, but real people living in a known location and in a known period of time. The accounts in Genesis 1-5 are shown to be real history that have support from non-biblical sources.

ABOVE: The ‘Temptation Seal’ made around 2200BC, in Mesopotamia, and believed by some to show Adam and Eve

ABOVE: The ‘Temptation Seal’ made around 2200BC, in Mesopotamia, and believed by some to show Adam and Eve

What we need most in studying the ancient Near East and Genesis 1–2 is an openness to truth wherever it might be found. Openness to truth is the most Christian principle I know.
— Scot McKnight, Co-author of ADAM AND THE GENOME